Security has remained a constant challenge for Canadian businesses, with incidents ranging from thefts and shoplifting to physical altercations. Security guards protect establishments by ensuring that concerns like these are dealt with quickly and effectively. Because there is always the chance of a threat, security personnel must always remain alert. Security guards must therefore possess a specific set of abilities to carry out their duties in this manner.
Security employees play a critical role in securing the organization’s people and assets, so they must be qualified to carry out their responsibilities. All security guards must complete security guard training. It’s critical that you understand the fundamentals of law enforcement, how to defend yourself and others in risky situations, and how to be safe when working in hazardous environments.
So, you want to become a security guard? Here are the training and skills security guards need:
Skills and Qualities Security Guards Should Have
- Surveillance and Vigilance
Vigilance is all about always being on your toes and knowing when to act. However, security officials must first be able to establish whether or not a potential threat exists. A great security officer is always alert and aware of their surroundings. They must eliminate as many distractions as possible, or they risk missing something crucial or overlooking something that could endanger lives.
Security guards can detect some disturbances with their strong observation abilities. It is not simply a matter of noticing the crime; everyone can do that. The difference is that he or she must be able to swiftly assess the situation, respond, and determine the best course of action.
- Honesty and Integrity
Because security guards are in charge of securing building access and protecting businesses from crime, they must be honest and trustworthy. Security officers are not under the constant supervision of their employers. Furthermore, they are frequently in charge of safeguarding valuable assets. These attributes in security professionals will aid in the development and maintenance of confidence. They must be someone even customers can be comfortable with.
Such traits, on the other hand, are difficult to assess when hiring a security officer and are typically only apparent after the officer has been on the job for a while. As a result, it’s critical that you portray yourself with integrity to establish and maintain confidence.
- Physical Fitness
Candidates should be within a healthy weight range and exercise regularly. A guard who is not in good shape may not be able to defend people as well as one who is physically and mentally fit.
In this role, there’s a good probability of physical conflict. Reasonable physical strength and fitness are necessary to keep up with criminals, whether you’re trying to outrun a robber or break up a fight. They must not only be physically fit but also professionally present themselves. They should wear a neat, clean uniform that is tucked in at all times. If they appear well-dressed, it will reflect highly on them and your business in the eyes of your client and the public they serve.
- Communication
You might think of security guards as people who stand at the doorway and greet clients occasionally. Yet, communication skills for security guards are extremely important.
A skilled security guard should be able to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing. Clear communication may make or break how they handle a sensitive issue, so they need to know how to communicate effectively. They must carefully and accurately document each critical incident that occurs as well as the condition of the facility at the end of their shift.
Communication is beneficial in all situations, not just emergencies. The security guard is typically the first person a potential consumer sees. Given that they will be interacting with your clients the majority of the time, it is critical that they maintain a positive, welcoming demeanor and accurately represent your company’s brand.
- Judgment and Attention to Detail
Because a security guard must execute multiple activities and recall a lot of information to assist clients, they must be detail-oriented. Each security officer is assigned to a station, where they will find a list of instructions, so it’s critical that they can follow them. An effective security officer will recognize when it is important to take action to eliminate a potential threat.
Before taking over the position, they should be trained on these specific requests. They will need a thorough understanding of security operations to meet your business needs. They must also complete these jobs professionally and, if possible, without causing any disruption.
- Leadership
The majority of security guards work alone. They do, however, require leadership abilities. In some circumstances, security guards work together to guarantee that a business’s perimeter is totally secure. During these rare instances, each guard must be able to tell when to lead and when to follow. If they understand the difference, activities will go much more smoothly. They could endanger lives if they don’t have these leadership and teamwork qualities.
Required Training for Security Guards
Because of the complexities of the job, security guards must have specialized abilities, which they can learn through training. Here are a few of the important training courses for security guards:
- Basic Security Guard Techniques
This involves knowing what is appropriate for the situation. A security guard must be able to recognize danger and make split-second decisions about what action to take in response. They must also learn how to deal with conflict and how to de-escalate a situation, what tools and methods to use, and when to use them. Every security officer should be familiar with the fundamentals of self-defense.
They must also be aware of what they can and cannot do on the job. While some of these issues are addressed in legal contracts signed before commencing a job, security guard training is still necessary to ensure that new officers understand their legal responsibilities.
- Communication
Security guards should be taught to utilize a calming and authoritative tone in their speech and body language. Security guard communication training includes learning how to speak properly with persons who aren’t following the rules or obeying directions. When providing instructions or requests, security agents are also taught to use a firm but calm tone of voice. Communication training is commonly included in security guard training programs, and courses can often be completed online.
- Physical Fitness
Physical health is, of course, an important aspect of being a security officer. Officers who are physically and psychologically fit have a better probability of recognizing an event and responding more effectively. Despite popular belief that security guards spend their days sitting behind computers watching surveillance monitors, security work is physically demanding. The usual officer spends a significant amount of time on the move, patrolling the areas to which they have been assigned. It is not uncommon for officers to walk many miles during a single shift. If you aren’t physically fit, you won’t be able to walk for long periods of time.
Also, there are situations when emergency response necessitates the security officer acting in a physically demanding manner. Restraining a bar patron who has had a little too much to drink is one example. Physically fit police will have an easier time removing the customer from the premises, whereas a physically unfit officer may struggle.
- Firearm
Although only some security guards carry firearms, those who do must pass an authorized marksmanship and firearms training for security guards. A state provincial-issued gun permit or license is usually required for armed security guards.
Security personnel is one resource that can help protect against armed threats, but they will need to be trained to do so. The security staff must understand what weapons are capable of and how to recognize suspicious behavior. It is also critical that they have a broad grasp of how security personnel should react during tense circumstances. During an emergency, security guards are critical resources, and they must have a general grasp of what they should do if the situation worsens.
- Observation and Documentation
Security guards must keep complete records of their observations, including the day and time they occurred, as well as any actions they made. Feedback and ideas for observation and documentation procedures should be included in the training. Training in observation and documentation is important as this will enable them to preserve detailed records of their observations in the event of an emergency or other issue.
- Occupational Health and Safety
Another key aspect of the security guard’s job is workplace safety. Although workplace safety is maintained by the safety officer, security personnel are the ones in charge of ensuring that all employees follow the safety protocol. Knowing where your site’s danger zones are, you can avoid an accident that could endanger the lives of employees and the general public. Your responsibilities could include informing the public and staff about a potential risk zone on your property.
Security guards are often required to meet the minimum standards of health and safety training. This could include first aid and CPR training for security guards, infection prevention, control of substance hazardous to health, and fire prevention and safety evacuation
Security personnel who possess these important skills and training will be able to do their duties more efficiently. Security guards play a significant role in the lives of many. They not only keep people safe, but they also protect and guard valuables and establishments.
Gain more skills and training and earn an Ontario security guard license! Centre for Security Training & Management Inc. has a proven track record of producing highly qualified security officers in Ontario. For information about our training courses please visit our website – www.centreforsecurity.com, or email us at – info@centreforsecurity.com or call us at (416) 750-4747.