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10 Compelling Reasons to Work as a Security Guard

10 Compelling Reasons to Work as a Security Guard

Ever thought of working as a security guard? While it may not sound like a glamorous job, it is an essential position with a few perks not limited to keeping people and places safe.

These days, the security industry is booming, thanks to business owners having a greater demand for trained personnel to safeguard their businesses and employees. A career in security is a viable option, particularly if it’s not something you would ordinarily have considered.

Here’s a list of concrete reasons why becoming a security guard may just be a step in the right direction for you:

Security guard jobs are in-demand with minimal requirements

1. Accessible Training

One great thing about becoming a security guard is the low barrier of entry. This industry is easily accessible for most people. Typically, you won’t need a college education to qualify; most security guard training programs are open to you as long as you are at least 18 years of age and have no criminal record.

After you’ve gone through the security guard training as well as the training course, you’re eligible to take the Ministry Security Guard Licensing Test and earn your security guard license to make it all official.

2. High Demand

The security industry is growing, and for good reason. Applying for the security sector can be a great way to ensure your job security. There’s always going to be a market for well-trained security guard services to keep people’s homes and businesses safe. Because there are so many entities in need of quality security services also means you’re employable by a wider range of companies, further giving you more job options and security across multiple industries. The high demand for good security also means employment is sustainable, meaning you can expect a secure position once you’ve found employment.

Security work can be a great stepping stone to bigger things

3. Good Stepping Stone

Being a security guard is an honourable and useful form of employment, but if you’re aiming higher, the job can be a great stepping stone to your ambitions.

If you’re working towards acquiring a job in law enforcement or as a private investigator, a job in the security sector is a golden opportunity to get training and valuable experience for the next chapter of your life. More practically, security work can also be a way to pay the bills and make some money while you get ready to move on to your next goal.

4. Dependable Fallback Option

The skills you learn from security guard training are the kind that stays with you for the rest of your life. If you find yourself stuck in a rut, your training gives you the option of going back to security, renewing your license, and making a living that way. Your security skills are marketable ones that you can use to continue earning a living for years to come.

Security training includes great emergency skills

5. Provides Crisis Training

One thing to keep an eye out for when getting a new job is convenient skills that can pay off later in life (like emergency training to help prepare you in case the worst happens). Whether you can find a use for them in your next job or just in case danger strikes, these skills can prove to be a great asset in life.

Security guards are given crisis training in addition to the other skills you’ll need on the job. In case of an emergency, you’ll have some useful skills in your arsenal, including fire prevention and first-aid to help you and those around you through the problem.

Expect consistent hours on the job

6. Consistent Hours

In general, most security guards tend to work consistent hours, which is advantageous if you need to work according to a set schedule. For most jobs, security is typically assigned according to shifts, giving you more flexibility to manage other aspects of your life (like taking care of your home life and picking up the kids).

In today’s world, it’s important to find a good work-life balance for a more healthy lifestyle, and working a security job can be a great way to do just that.

7. Flexible Scheduling Possibilities

Many places need round-the-clock security, which might offer night owls a convenient time to work. This need for 24/7 service can provide a more flexible schedule when working as a security guard. You can request security guard duties for the night shift to better accommodate your internal clock or personal schedule and work at a time that works best for you.

8. Choice of Positions

Many people think working at a security guard agency involves plenty of patrol, standing guard, and watching out for intruders. While many security personnel do those kinds of duties, the work is more flexible than some people realize.

If you’re the type to prefer staying in one place, you can work watching the security monitors or control access to sensitive locations. On the other hand, if you’re more of a people person, you can find a position where you’re more visible and can deal with the public. The types of jobs available are a diverse lot, so you have some choices regarding exactly what kind of work you can do.

Security work is great for keeping fit

9. Keeps You Fit

When you look after the safety of your clients, there are standards in place to ensure you can provide reliable protection. Part of the training includes getting in shape to ensure you can perform your job properly.

On the job, you can also expect routines that can help you stay fit and healthy. Some security officers can take up to 10,000 steps with every shift, giving you plenty of exercise at work. Your coworkers may also have an interest in keeping fit, given the nature of your job, so you may have other opportunities to watch your health while off the clock.

10. Rewarding Work

One thing people tend to look for in a job is meaningful work that can give them a sense of accomplishment. A security guard’s entire job is to look after people’s lives and property. You know you’re directly taking care of people every day on the job, which can be a fulfilling element of the work.

On a more personal note, many security officers also deal with members of the public, giving you a close look at the impact you make on the lives of the people you protect. Knowing the effect you have on the lives of people around you can be a satisfying kind of reward in and of itself, especially when you have plenty of chances to see the good you do at work.

If you’re interested in a career as a security officer, you need a place to get the training you need to help you qualify. Call the Centre for Security Training & Management Inc. We offer a wide variety of courses and veteran instructors to give top-quality training for your future career in the security sector. Call us now at (416) 750-4747 to start training and qualify for your license.